AWS 비용 최적화 전문가이신 Eli Mansoor, Yair Green 두분이 쓰신 ‘Mastering AWS cost optimization’을 저와 TaeHwan Jeong 님이 직접 선정하고, 번역하여 출간한 ‘AWS 비용 최적화 바이블’이 대한민국학술원 2023년 우수학술도서에 선정되었습니다.
앞으로도 좋은 책 많이 낼 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.
The book ‘Bible for AWS Cost Optimisation’, selected and translated by me and Taehwan Jung, has been selected for ‘Outstanding Academic Books 2023’.
Thanks for writing a great book, and for the opportunity to translate it.
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The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea has undertaken the ‘Program Supporting the Selection and Distribution of Outstanding Academic Books’ since 2002, having been delegated by the Ministry of Education as part of the Ministry’s Basic Sciences Promotion Project.

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