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[Youtube] 업무 집중용 백색소음

by Jany 2020. 3. 30.

[9:56 Hours] Train Journey to the Norwegian Arctic Circle, WINTER [1080HD] SlowTV

[10 Hours] Wuppertal Suspended Monorail - Video & Audio [1080HD] SlowTV


🔴 Live Train 24/7 Train Driver's View, Cab Ride, Winter Train Live View Front Window View


Coffee Shop Ambience ☕Cozy Rainy Day [ASMR Study & Relax] keyboard typing + Light Rain + people


ASMR 집중력↑공부할 때 듣는●도쿄 카페-킷사텐 喫茶店 입체 음향 | Tokyo Old Cafe Binaural Sound | 카페 소음/화이트 노이즈


[3시간, ASMR] 실제 한국 스타벅스 카페 소리, 백색소음, 공부 집중력 힐링


